Amiga Tools 4
Amiga Tools 4.iso
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OS/2 REXX Batch file
1,130 lines
/* Backgammon for AmiSlate v1.0! */
/* This program should be run on a screen with at least 8 colors */
/* Get our host's name--always given as first argument when run from Amislate */
parse arg CommandPort ActiveString
if (length(CommandPort) == 0) then do
say ""
say "Usage: rx backgammon.rexx <REXXPORTNAME>"
say " (REXXPORTNAME is usually AMISLATE)"
say ""
say "Or run from the Rexx menu within AmiSlate."
say ""
exit 0
/* Send all commands to this host */
address (CommandPort)
options results
lock ON
/* See if we're connected */
GetRemoteStateAttrs stem rstateattrs.
if (rstateattrs.mode > -1) then do
/* Parse command line argument to see if we've been activated by
a remote request or a local user */
check = upper(left(ActiveString,3))
if (upper(left(ActiveString,3)) ~= 'RE') then
GlobData.localplayer = 1
GlobData.localplayer = -1
else do
GlobData.localplayer = 0 /* i.e. we're both players */
if (GlobData.localplayer > 0) then do
call SetStatus("Requesting game from remote user... please wait.")
RemoteRexxCommand '"'||"Would you like to play backgammon?"||'"' "slaterexx:backgammon.rexx"
waitevent stem handshake. MESSAGE
if (handshake.message == 0) then
call SetStatus("Backgammon Game Refused")
lock off
exit 0
call SetStatus("Beginning Backgammon...")
call ResetGameState
call SetGlobalData
if (GlobData.localplayer >= 0) then call DrawBoard
call NextTurn
call HandleEvents
lock OFF
exit 0
/* Global Data structure:
GlobData.Xspace.[step] (int) : horizontal pixel offsets to the center of each coord (0-16)
GlobData.XSize (int) : total width of each element
GlobData.Yspace.[step] (int) : vertical pixel offsets to the center of each coord (0-16)
GlobData.YSize (int) : total height of each element
(board state)
GlobData.slots.[slotnum] : array of slotstates (0..23) (int, > 0 = Pl1 pieces, < 0 = Pl-1 pieces)
: note: slot -1 is player 1's "out" pile, and slot 24 is player -1's "out" pile.
GlobData.die.[dienum] : the current number on each of the four die. Usually only 0 & 1 are used,
(game state)
GlobData.turn : whose turn it is
GlobData.exited.[playernum] : number of pieces that have been taken off the board for player [playernum]
GlobData.localplayer : which player is on local machine; 0 if both are
(color info)
GlobData.PieceColor.[playernum] : color of pieces for this player
GlobData.SpikeColor.[playernum] : spike color, alternates
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure HandleEvents */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
HandleEvents: procedure expose GlobData. AMessage.
SetSquare = -10
BReversed = 0
BNeedsToRoll = 1
BMustForfeit = 0
AMessage.TIMEOUT = 1 /* No events occurred in specified time period */
AMessage.MESSAGE = 2 /* Message recieved from remote Amiga */
AMessage.MOUSEDOWN = 4 /* Left mouse button press in drawing area */
AMessage.MOUSEUP = 8 /* Left mouse button release in drawing area */
AMessage.RESIZE = 16 /* Window was resized--time to redraw screen? */
AMessage.QUIT = 32 /* AmiSlate is shutting down */
AMessage.CONNECT = 64 /* Connection established */
AMessage.DISCONNECT = 128 /* Connection broken */
AMessage.TOOLSELECT = 256 /* Tool Selected */
AMessage.COLORSELECT = 512 /* Palette Color selected */
AMessage.KEYPRESS = 1024 /* Key pressed */
AMessage.MOUSEMOVE = 2048 /* Mouse was moved */
/* Turn on help */
BHelp = 1
do while(1)
if (event.type == AMessage.QUIT) then exit 0
if (event.type == AMessage.DISCONNECT) then do
call SetStatus("Connection broken--both players now local.")
GlobData.localplayer = 0
if (event.type == AMessage.MESSAGE) then do
/* parse the message */
if (left(event.message,1) = "G") then do
/* It's our move! */
BNeedsToRoll = 1
BMustForfeit = 0
call NextTurn
else do
parse var event.message rfrom rto
call MovePiece((rfrom+0), (rto+0), 0) /* update our internals--the (+0) forces the vars back into numeric format */
if (event.type == AMessage.RESIZE) then do
if ((GlobData.localplayer == GlobData.turn)|(GlobData.localplayer == 0)) then do
call SetGlobalData
call DrawBoard
if (BMustForfeit == 1) then call ShowCantMove
else do
/* else just update our internal vars */
call SetGlobalData
/* call UpdateStatus */
if ((event.type == AMessage.MOUSEDOWN)&((GlobData.turn = GlobData.localplayer)|(GlobData.localplayer == 0))) then do
whatclicked = ParseMouseClick(event.x, event.y)
if (SetSquare == -10) then do
if (whatclicked == 25) then
if (BNeedsToRoll == 1) then do
call Roll
BNeedsToRoll = 0
/* Check to see if we can move */
can = CanMove()
if (can == 0) then do
call ShowCantMove
BMustForfeit = 1
else do
if (BMustForfeit == 1) then do
/* Cancels rest of turn! */
BNeedsToRoll = 1
BMustForfeit = 0
if (localplayer ~= 0) then sendmessage G
call NextTurn
/* Nothing was clicked before, mark this square? */
if ((BMustForfeit = 0)&(BNeedsToRoll = 0)&(whatclicked < 25)&((GlobData.slots.whatclicked * GlobData.turn) > 0)) then do
if (PieceCanMove(whatclicked) == 1) then do
call HiliteTopPiece(whatclicked)
if (BHelp == 1) then call ShowMoves(whatclicked)
BReversed = ~BReversed
SetSquare = whatclicked
else DisplayBeep LOCAL
else do
/* Already had one clicked, now either cancel it or move? */
if (whatclicked == SetSquare) then do
/* cancel the piece-move! */
if (BReversed == 1) then call HiliteTopPiece(whatclicked)
if (BHelp == 1) then call ClearArrows
BReversed = 0
SetSquare = -10
else do
dietouse = MoveOkay(SetSquare, whatclicked,1)
if (dietouse > -1) then do
if (BHelp == 1) then call ClearArrows
call MovePiece(SetSquare, whatclicked, 1)
BReversed = 0
SetSquare = -10
GlobData.die.dietouse = 0
call DrawDie(dietouse)
if ((GlobData.die.0 == 0)&(GlobData.die.1 == 0)&(GlobData.die.2 == 0)&(GlobData.die.3 == 0)) then do
BNeedsToRoll = 1
BMustForfeit = 0
if (localplayer ~= 0) then sendmessage G
call NextTurn
else do
/* Check to see if we can still move */
can = CanMove()
if (can == 0) then do
call ShowCantMove
BMustForfeit = 1
else DisplayBeep LOCAL
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure NextTurn */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
NextTurn: procedure expose GlobData.
GlobData.Turn = -GlobData.Turn
do i = 0 to 3
GlobData.die.i = 0
/* local game code */
if (Globdata.localplayer == 0) then do
call DrawCup(0)
if (GlobData.turn == 1) then
call SetStatus("Player 1, it's your turn to roll.")
call SetStatus("Player 2, it's your turn to roll.")
return 1
/* two machine game code */
if (GlobData.turn == GlobData.localplayer) then do
call DrawCup(0)
if (GlobData.turn == 1) then
call SetStatus("Player 1, it's your turn to roll.")
call SetStatus("Player 2, it's your turn to roll.")
else do
call SetStatus("Wait for other player to move.")
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure Roll */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
Roll: procedure expose GlobData.
/* First clear the die area */
cturn = GlobData.turn
SetFPen GlobData.PieceColor.cturn
square GlobData.XSpace.7+1 GlobData.YSpace.6+1 GlobData.XSpace.9-1 GlobData.YSpace.10-1 FILL
GlobData.die.0 = random(1,6,time('s'))
GlobData.die.1 = random(1,6,time('s')+500)
call DrawDie(0)
call DrawDie(1)
if (GlobData.die.0 == GlobData.die.1) then do
call SetStatus("You rolled a double!")
GlobData.die.2 = GlobData.die.1
GlobData.die.3 = GlobData.die.1
call DrawDie(2)
call DrawDie(3)
else do
if (GlobData.turn == 1) then
call SetStatus("Player 1, move your pieces")
call SetStatus("Player 2, move your pieces")
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure MovePiece */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
MovePiece: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg from, to, showgfx
origfrom = GlobData.slots.from
negone = -1
/* If it's a two machine game, tell the other machine what we're doing */
if ((showgfx == 1)&(GlobData.localplayer ~= 0)) then call TransmitMove(from, to)
/* First remove the piece from the old spike and redraw it */
call RemovePiece(from, GlobData.turn, showgfx)
/* If the piece is moving "off the board", count it up */
if (to == 24) then do
/* Piece exited the board for player 1 */
GlobData.exited.1 = (GlobData.exited.1) + 1
call CheckForWin
return 1
else if (to == -1) then do
/* Piece exited the board for player 1 */
GlobData.exited.negone = (GlobData.exited.negone) + 1
call CheckForWin
return 1
/* Now add/replace our piece to the to spike */
if ((origfrom * GlobData.slots.to) < 0) then do
/* a piece got killed! */
call SetStatus("Bump! Ahahahahaha!!!!")
if (GlobData.localplayer ~= 0) then DisplayBeep REMOTE
if (GlobData.slots.to < 0) then
call AddPiece(24, -1, showgfx)
call AddPiece(-1, 1, showgfx)
GlobData.slots.to = 0
call AddPiece(to, GlobData.turn, showgfx)
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure RemovePiece */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
RemovePiece: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg from, which, showgfx
GlobData.slots.from = GlobData.slots.from - which
if (showgfx == 1) then call DrawSpike(from)
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure AddPiece */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
AddPiece: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg to, which, showgfx
GlobData.slots.to = GlobData.slots.to + which
if (showgfx == 1) then call DrawPiece(to, GlobData.PieceColor.which, abs(GlobData.slots.to), 0)
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure MoveOkay */
/* */
/* returns the index of the die to use if the move is acceptable, */
/* or -1 if it is illegal. */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
MoveOkay: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg from, to, CountExits
negone = -1
numsquares = abs(to-from)
/* Side specific rules! */
if (GlobData.slots.from < 0) then do
/* no moving backwards */
if (to > from) then return -1
/* no moving anyone else if we have a guy "out" */
if ((GlobData.slots.24 ~= 0)&(from ~= 24)) then return -1
/* No moves into the "out" unless all of our pieces are (exited or in the last quad) */
/* Also, we can't exit on a roll larger than necessary *unless* there is no other use for that roll. */
if (to <= -1) then do
disttoexit = from + 1
/* If we're not checking for exits, return failure now */
if (CountExits == 0) then do
/* Still need to watch for an exact out! */
do checkdie = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.checkdie == disttoexit) then
if (CanMoveOut(1) == 1) then return checkdie
return -1
/* Otherwise check to see if we can move out */
if (CanMoveOut(-1) == 0) then return -1
else do
do checkdie = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.checkdie == disttoexit) then return checkdie
do checkdie = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.checkdie > disttoexit) then do
if (CanExitOnExtra(GlobData.die.checkdie) == 1) then return checkdie
/* default: can't move out */
return -1
else do
/* no moving backwards */
if (to < from) then return -1
/* no moving anyone else if we have a guy "out" */
if ((GlobData.slots.negone ~= 0)&(from ~= -1)) then return -1
/* No moves into the "out" unless all of our pieces are (exited or in the last quad) */
if (to >= 24) then do
disttoexit = 24 - from
/* If we're not checking for exits, return failure now */
if (CountExits == 0) then do
/* Still need to watch for an exact out! */
do checkdie = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.checkdie == disttoexit) then
if (CanMoveOut(1) == 1) then return checkdie
return -1
/* Otherwise check to see if we can move out */
if (CanMoveOut(1) == 0) then
return -1
else do
do checkdie = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.checkdie == disttoexit) then return checkdie
do checkdie = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.checkdie > disttoexit) then do
if (CanExitOnExtra(GlobData.die.checkdie) == 1) then return checkdie
/* default: can't move out */
return -1
/* first get this into absolute numbers */
if (GlobData.slots.from < 0) then do
fromsq = -(GlobData.slots.from)
tosq = -(GlobData.slots.to)
else do
fromsq = GlobData.slots.from
tosq = GlobData.slots.to
/* At this point: fromsq > 0 */
if (tosq < -1) then return -1
/* Make sure this move is available on one of the die */
diefound = -1
do i = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.i == numsquares) then diefound = i
return diefound
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure HiliteTopPiece */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
HiliteTopPiece: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg spikenum
cturn = GlobData.turn
call DrawPiece(spikenum, GlobData.PieceColor.cturn, abs(GlobData.slots.spikenum), 1)
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure ParseMouseClick */
/* */
/* returns (-1)-(24) if a stack was clicked, or 25 if the center */
/* dice/cup area was clicked */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
ParseMouseClick: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg xp, yp
/* figure out vertical zone */
yZone = 1 /* default */
if (yp < GlobData.YSpace.6) then yZone = 0
if (yp > GlobData.YSpace.10) then yZone = 2
/* figure out horizontal zone */
xZone = 1 /* default */
if (xp < GlobData.XSpace.7) then xZone = 0
if (xp > GlobData.XSpace.9) then xZone = 2
/* are we in the dice/cup zone? */
if (xZone == 1) then do
if (yZone == 0) then return -1
if (yZone == 1) then return 25
return 24
else do
/* force into yzone 0 or 2 */
if (yp < GlobData.YSpace.8) then
yzone = 0
yzone = 2
/* Must be a regular stack--get the horizontal offset */
if (xZone == 0) then offset = (xp-(GlobData.XSize/2)) / GlobData.XSize
if (xZone == 2) then offset = ((xp-GlobData.XSpace.9-(GlobData.XSize/2)) / GlobData.XSize)
offset = trunc(offset)
if (offset < 0) then offset = 0
if (offset > 5) then offset = 5
if ((xZone = 0)&(yZone = 0)) then return 11-offset
if ((xZone = 2)&(yZone = 0)) then return 5-offset
if ((xZone = 0)&(yZone = 2)) then return 12+offset
if ((xZone = 2)&(yZone = 2)) then return 18+offset
return -55
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure ResetGameState */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
ResetGameState: procedure expose GlobData.
negone = -1;
DO i = -1 to 24
GlobData.slots.i = 0 /* first clear the board */
/* initial board config */
GlobData.slots.0 = 2
GlobData.slots.5 = -5
GlobData.slots.7 = -3
GlobData.slots.11 = 5
GlobData.slots.12 = -5
GlobData.slots.16 = 3
GlobData.slots.18 = 5
GlobData.slots.23 = -2
/* Setup to test end game -- dont use
GlobData.slots.6 = -1
GlobData.slots.5 = -2
GlobData.slots.4 = -2
GlobData.slots.3 = -5
GlobData.slots.2 = -1
GlobData.slots.1 = -3
GlobData.slots.0 = -1
GlobData.slots.15 = 1
GlobData.slots.18 = 2
GlobData.slots.19 = 2
GlobData.slots.20 = 5
GlobData.slots.21 = 1
GlobData.slots.22 = 3
GlobData.slots.23 = 1
GlobData.slots.negone = 0
GlobData.slots.24 = 0
GlobData.out.1 = 0
GlobData.out.negone = 0
GlobData.die.0 = 0
GlobData.die.1 = 0
GlobData.die.2 = 0
GlobData.die.3 = 0
GlobData.exited.1 = 0
GlobData.exited.negone = 0
GlobData.turn = -1;
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure SetGlobalData */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
SetGlobalData: procedure expose GlobData.
negone = -1
/* Check to see whether we are connected */
GetWindowAttrs stem winattrs.
BoardWidth = winattrs.width - 58
BoardHeight= winattrs.height - 55
/* Set up offsets */
fStep = 1/16
DO i=0 to 16
GlobData.Xspace.i = trunc(BoardWidth * (fStep * i))
GlobData.Yspace.i = trunc(BoardHeight * (fStep * i))
GlobData.XSize = trunc(BoardWidth / 16)
GlobData.YSize = trunc(BoardHeight / 16)
if (winattrs.depth < 3) then do
EasyRequest BackGammon_Error '"'||"You need at least a 8-color screen to play backgammon!"||'"' '"'||"Abort Backgammon"||'"'
call SetStatus("Backgammon game exited.")
lock off
exit 0
GlobData.SpikeColor.1 = 2
GlobData.SpikeColor.negone = 7
GlobData.PieceColor.1 = 4
GlobData.PieceColor.negone = 3
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure DrawBoard */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
DrawBoard: procedure expose GlobData.
SetFColor 0 0 0 /* Get a black pen */
SetWindowTitle '"' || "Hang on, drawing the board..." || '"'
SetFPen 1
square GlobData.Xspace.0 GlobData.Yspace.0 GlobData.XSpace.16 GlobData.YSpace.16
Do i = -1 to 24
call DrawSpike(i)
SetFPen 1
line GlobData.Xspace.7 GlobData.Yspace.0 GlobData.XSpace.7 GlobData.YSpace.16
line GlobData.Xspace.9 GlobData.Yspace.0 GlobData.XSpace.9 GlobData.YSpace.16
square GlobData.XSpace.7 GlobData.YSpace.6 GlobData.XSpace.9 GlobData.YSpace.10
if ((GlobData.die.0 + GlobData.die.1 + GlobData.die.2 + GlobData.die.3) > 0) then do
cturn = GlobData.turn
bgcol = GlobData.PieceColor.cturn
SetFPen bgcol
square GlobData.XSpace.7+1 GlobData.YSpace.6+1 GlobData.XSpace.9-1 GlobData.YSpace.10-1 FILL
Do i = 0 to 3
call DrawDie(i)
else call DrawCup(0)
call SetStatus("_LAST")
return 1
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure DrawSpike */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
DrawSpike: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg spikenum
negone = -1
/* Figure out what color to draw the spike as */
spikecol = GlobData.SpikeColor.1
if ((spikenum // 2) == 1) then spikecol = GlobData.SpikeColor.negone
/* Figure out what color to draw any pieces as */
piececol = GlobData.PieceColor.1
numpieces = GlobData.slots.spikenum
if (numpieces < 0) then do
piececol = GlobData.PieceColor.negone
numpieces = -numpieces
/* Figure out our coords */
baseofspike = getSpikeBase(spikenum)
topofspike = getSpikeTop(spikenum)
spikecenter = getSpikecenter(spikenum)
/* First blank out the area we are to draw on */
wid = trunc(GlobData.XSize/3)
BaseOfSpikeCoord = GlobData.YSpace.baseofspike + getSpikeDir(spikenum)
TopOfSpikeCoord = GlobData.Yspace.topofspike
if ((spikenum == -1)|(spikenum == 24)) then TopOfSpikeCoord = TopOfSpikeCoord - getSpikeDir(spikenum)
/* extra is the few more pixels on the left we add in to ensure that any extra layers are erased */
extra = trunc((trunc((GlobData.slots.spikenum)/5)+1)*(GlobData.XSize/10))
SetFPen 0
square (GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter)-wid-extra BaseOfSpikeCoord (GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter)+wid TopOfSpikeCoord FILL
SetFPen 1
if ((spikenum >= 0) & (spikenum <= 23)) then do
/* Draw the spike */
line (GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter)-wid BaseOfSpikeCoord GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter TopOfSpikeCoord
line (GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter)+wid BaseOfSpikeCoord GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter TopOfSpikeCoord
/* calculate circle coords */
cx = trunc(GlobData.XSize / 4)
cy = trunc(GlobData.YSize / 2)
SetFPen spikecol
flood GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter trunc((BaseOfSpikeCoord + TopOfSpikeCoord)/2)
circle GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter TopOfSpikeCoord cx cy FILL
SetFPen 1
circle GlobData.Xspace.spikecenter TopOfSpikeCoord cx cy
/* Draw pieces if any */
if (numpieces > 0) then do
do i=1 to numpieces
call DrawPiece(spikenum, piececol, i, 0)
return 1
/* Draws a piece on the spikenum spike, in pen piecepen, at position piecenum (where 0 is the
base of the spike, and 5 is the top */
DrawPiece: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg spikenum, piecepen, piecenum, BXor
dx = 0
dy = 0
/* Additional rows if piecenum is > 5 */
do while (piecenum > 5)
piecenum = piecenum - 5
dx = dx - GlobData.XSize/10
dy = dy - GlobData.YSize/10
dx = trunc(dx)
dy = trunc(dy)
cx = getSpikeCenter(spikenum)
cy = getSpikeBase(spikenum) + (getSpikeDir(spikenum) * piecenum)
rx = trunc(GlobData.XSize / 3)
ry = trunc(GlobData.YSize / 2)
if (BXor == 0) then do
SetFPen piecepen
circle (GlobData.Xspace.cx + dx) (GlobData.Yspace.cy + dy) rx ry FILL
SetFPen 1
circle (GlobData.Xspace.cx + dx) (GlobData.Yspace.cy + dy) rx ry
else circle (GlobData.Xspace.cx + dx) (GlobData.Yspace.cy + dy) rx ry FILL XOR
return 1
/* Draws a cup indicating that a player may roll. The cup is drawn with the color
indicated by (cupcolor) */
DrawCup: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg BXor
negone = -1
left = trunc((GlobData.XSpace.7 + GlobData.XSpace.8)/2)
right = trunc((GlobData.XSpace.8 + GlobData.XSpace.9)/2)
top = trunc((GlobData.YSpace.6 + GlobData.YSpace.7)/2)
bottom = trunc((GlobData.YSpace.9 + GlobData.YSpace.10)/2)
if (BXor == 1) then do
square left top right bottom XOR FILL
return 1
/* Clear the whole area */
SetFPen 0
square GlobData.XSpace.7+1 GlobData.YSpace.6+1 GlobData.XSpace.9-1 GlobData.YSpace.10-1 FILL
ctr = trunc((right+left)/2)
midht = trunc(GlobData.YSize/2)
SetFPen 1
circle ctr top+midht trunc((right-left)/2) midht FILL
line left top+midht left bottom-midht
line right top+midht right bottom-midht
circle ctr bottom-midht trunc((right-left)/2) midht
/* Fill it in */
currentturn = GlobData.turn
setFPen GlobData.PieceColor.currentturn
square left+1 top+midht+midht+2 right-1 bottom-midht FILL
flood ctr bottom-midht+1
flood ctr top+midht+midht+1
return 1
/* Draws dice number (dieindex) to show the number indicated in GlobData.die.(dieindex) */
DrawDie: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg dieindex
left = 7
top = 7
if (dieindex >= 2) then top = top + 1
if (dieindex == 1) then left = left + 1
if (dieindex == 3) then left = left + 1
/* convert to "real" coordinates */
left = GlobData.Xspace.left
top = GlobData.Yspace.top
/* shrink it 25% */
width = trunc(GlobData.XSize * 0.75)
height = trunc(GlobData.YSize * 0.75)
/* and recenter it by moving it down&right 12.5% */
left = left + trunc(GlobData.XSize * 0.125)
top = top + trunc(GlobData.YSize * 0.125)
/* now calculate the right and bottom edges */
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
/* number to show on the die */
num = GlobData.die.dieindex
/* if it's unset, just erase the area */
if (num < 1) then do
/* Calculate background color = player's piece color */
cturn = GlobData.turn
SetFPen GlobData.PieceColor.cturn
square left top right bottom FILL
return 1
/* start with blank die */
SetFColor 15 15 15
square left top right bottom FILL
SetFPen 1
square left top right bottom
dotrx = trunc(width/12) /* radii of dot */
dotry = trunc(height/12)
dx = trunc(width / 4) /* offset from center dot */
dy = trunc(height / 4)
x2 = trunc((right + left)/2)
y2 = trunc((bottom + top)/2)
x1 = x2 - dx
x3 = x2 + dx
y1 = y2 - dy
y3 = y2 + dy
if (num == 1) then do
circle x2 y2 dotrx dotry FILL
else if (num == 2) then do
circle x1 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
else if (num == 3) then do
circle x1 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x2 y2 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
else if (num == 4) then do
circle x1 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x1 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
else if (num == 5) then do
circle x1 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x1 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x2 y2 dotrx dotry FILL
else if (num == 6) then do
circle x1 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x1 y2 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x1 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y1 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y2 dotrx dotry FILL
circle x3 y3 dotrx dotry FILL
return 1
/* Returns the horizontal coordinate number of a spike, given the spike index number */
getSpikeCenter: procedure
parse arg spikenum
if (spikenum == -1) then return 8
if (spikenum == 24) then return 8
if (spikenum <= 5) then do
/* in the upper right quadrant */
return 15-spikenum
else if (spikenum <= 11) then do
/* in the upper left quadrant */
return (6-spikenum)+6
else if (spikenum <= 17) then do
/* in the lower left quadrant */
return (spikenum-17)+6
else do
/* in the lower right quadrant */
return (spikenum-18)+10
/* returns the base coordinate of a spike */
getSpikeBase: procedure
parse arg spikenum
if (spikenum > 11) then
return 16
return 0
/* returns the top coordinate of a spike */
getSpikeTop: procedure
parse arg spikenum
if (spikenum > 11) then
return 10
return 6
/* returns 1 if the spike hangs down, else -1 if it pokes up */
getSpikeDir: procedure
parse arg spikenum
if (spikenum > 11) then do
return -1
else do
return 1
SetStatus: procedure
parse arg newstatus
if (newstatus == "_LAST") then do
SetWindowTitle '"' || getclip("PrevString") || '"'
else do
call setclip("PrevString",newstatus)
SetWindowTitle '"' || newstatus || '"'
return 1
/* draws an x over the dice for now */
ShowCantMove: procedure expose GlobData.
SetFPen 1
line GlobData.XSpace.7+1 GlobData.YSpace.6+1 GlobData.XSpace.9-1 GlobData.YSpace.10-1
line GlobData.XSpace.9-1 GlobData.YSpace.6+1 GlobData.XSpace.7+1 GlobData.YSpace.10-1
call SetStatus("Sorry, you can't move! Click on the dice to continue")
return 1
/* returns 1 if a move is available, else returns 0 */
CanMove: procedure expose GlobData.
do i = -1 to 24
if (PieceCanMove(i) == 1) then return 1
return 0
/* returns 1 if the piece on slot i can move, else 0 */
PieceCanMove: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg from
if ((GlobData.slots.from * GlobData.turn) <= 0) then return 0
do d = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.d > 0) then do
if (MoveOkay(from,from+(GlobData.die.d * GlobData.turn),1) ~= -1) then return 1
return 0
/* returns 1 if a player can move a piece "out" to the given exit, else 0 */
CanMoveOut: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg playernum
sum = GlobData.exited.playernum
if (playernum == -1) then
do i = 0 to 5
if (GlobData.slots.i < 0) then sum = sum - GlobData.slots.i
else if (playernum == 1) then
do i = 18 to 23
if (GlobData.slots.i > 0) then sum = sum + GlobData.slots.i
if (sum == 15) then return 1
return 0
/* Draws arrows for possible moves for this piece */
ShowMoves: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg from
do d = 0 to 3
if (GlobData.die.d > 0) then do
if (MoveOkay(from,from+(GlobData.die.d * GlobData.Turn),1) ~= -1) then call DrawArrow(from+(GlobData.die.d * GlobData.Turn))
return 1
/* Draw an arrow pointing to the specified spike */
DrawArrow: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg spikenum
spikenum = ChopRange(spikenum,-1,24)
hcoord = getSpikeCenter(spikenum)
vcoord = getSpikeTop(spikenum) + getSpikeDir(spikenum)
/* Special cases! */
if (spikenum = -1) then vcoord = 5
if (spikenum = 24) then vcoord = 11
SetFPen 1
circle GlobData.XSpace.hcoord GlobData.YSpace.vcoord trunc(GlobData.XSize/10) trunc(GlobData.YSize/10) FILL
return 1
/* Clears all arrows from the board */
ClearArrows: procedure expose GlobData.
SetFPen 0
/* right portion! */
topofrect = MidWayBetween(6,7,Y) + 1
bottomofrect = MidWayBetween(9,10,Y) - 1
leftofrect = MidWayBetween(9,10,X) + 1
rightofrect = MidWayBetween(15,16,X) - 1
square leftofrect topofrect rightofrect bottomofrect FILL
/* left portion! */
leftofrect = MidWayBetween(0,1,X)
rightofrect = MidWayBetween(6,7,X)
square leftofrect topofrect rightofrect bottomofrect FILL
/* special cases! */
circle GlobData.XSpace.8 GlobData.YSpace.5 trunc(GlobData.XSize/10) trunc(GlobData.YSize/10) FILL
circle GlobData.XSpace.8 GlobData.YSpace.11 trunc(GlobData.XSize/10) trunc(GlobData.YSize/10) FILL
return 1
/* Returns the point midway between two coords */
MidWayBetween: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg left, right, XorY
if (XorY = X) then
return trunc((GlobData.XSpace.left + GlobData.XSpace.right)/2)
return trunc((GlobData.YSpace.left + GlobData.YSpace.right)/2)
ChopRange: procedure
parse arg myval, lo, hi
if (myval < lo) then return lo
if (myval > hi) then return hi
return myval
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* procedure CheckForWin */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
CheckForWin: procedure expose GlobData.
winner = nobody
negone = -1
if (GlobData.exited.1 == 15) then winner = "Player 1"
else if (GlobData.exited.negone == 15) then winner = "Player 2"
/* nobody one yet */
if (winner == nobody) then return 1
EasyRequest "Winner!" '"'||winner||" has won the game!"||'"' "Okay"
call SetStatus("Game Over. Rerun the script to play again.")
lock off
return 0
/* Transmit our move to our opponent */
TransmitMove: procedure
parse arg from, to
sstring = '"' || from || " " || to || '"'
sendmessage sstring
return 1
/* This function determines whether or not a piece may exit using
a given die number (that is larger than needed to get to the exit).
It will return 1 iff there is no way to use that same die number
to move any other piece anywhere else. */
CanExitOnExtra: procedure expose GlobData.
parse arg dienum
/* Only check valid die */
if (dienum <= 0) then return 0
do i = 0 to 23
if (((GlobData.slots.i)*(GlobData.turn)) > 0) then do
if (MoveOkay(i, i+(dienum*GlobData.turn), 0) ~= -1) then return 0
return 1 /* no moves in --> can move out */